Upgrade an R1.5 Access Server to a R1.6 Matrix Server

TLDR; Just the commands:

virnetx_cmd install 

virnetx_cmd device delete --all

virnetx_cmd stop && sudo rm -r /home/virnetx/.virnetx/cache

virnetx_cmd matrix setup

# Last Step: Add app to server using Admin Console


  1. Upgrade to 1.6.0+ using:
    virnetx_cmd install

    This step will perform all the necessary updates to VirnetX software.

  2. Take the existing service offline and clean up the old config:
    virnetx_cmd device delete --all

    virnetx_cmd stop

    sudo rm -r /home/virnetx/.virnetx/cache

  3. Start the setup of the new VirnetX Matrix Server:
    virnetx_cmd matrix setup

    Follow the prompts and activate the VirnetX Matrix Server using an administrator account.

    Expected output:

    The admin's user (email,etc) that has access to create Matrix Servers: user@acme.com 
    The region and organization that owns this server - Expected <region>-<org_shortname>.: us-acme
    (opt) The friendly display name for this Matrix Server: Sample Matrix Server
    (opt) The friendly description for this Matrix Server: This server hosts sample apps
    Password for user@acme.com
    Password: ••••••

    VirnetX Matrix Server was installed successfully!
  4. Complete the setup using the VirnetX Admin Console

    Open the VirnetX Admin Console and go to the Apps tab. Click on the application that is being secured by the VirnetX Matrix Server.

    From the application details page, click Add to Server to complete the VirnetX Matrix Server setup.

Matrix Server Setup - Admin Console